Monsey School Buses RAMPAGE! (updated)



There has been another reporting of a child being hit by a school bus in Monsey!! Enough is enough!!

School Buses in Monsey are NOTORIOUS for speeding, running red lights and completely disregarding stop signs.

Please be extra cautious around them (as a driver and as a passenger).

The writers at Thinking Yid are working to raise awareness of this growing issue. The sheer madness must stop! No one should see a massive school bus barreling towards their car at 50 MPH in 5 inches of snow!! But they do!!!

It’s bad enough that the days of children walking to school bus stops and buses not stopping on main road is now over, but not only do buses rule the roads now and just stop and create traffic wherever the driver pleases, they also speed and ignore the basic conventions of the road. 

If you’ve observed (or have a recording) of a school bus in Monsey committing a traffic violation or driving unsafely, please forward it to


For even more videos than what is posted below, check out this account dedicated to posts about the rampaging Monsey School Buses!

Updated List:


November 2018:

RPD is currently on scene of a roll-over on South Monsey Road involving a milk truck. The driver states he attempted to move over to avoid a school bus that entered his lane, causing him to leave the roadway. Tow companies are on scene. 

Bus forces trucks to swerve out of their OWN LANE! To avoid school bus!!!

Image may contain: tree, car and outdoor

Rt. 306 and Maple!


I said this once and I’ll say it again! Until People Die NO ONE WILL DO ANYTHING ABOUT THE RAMPANT BUS SITUATION IN MONSEY!!! Buses in monsey need Dashcams (inaccessible by the driver) and GPS Monitoring speed at all times!! The Drivers are beyond RECKLESS! Why do people need to be maimed or killed until we do something about monsey school buses?!?



Credit: SK


July 2018:


Monsey School Bus caught blasting by a stop sign! Clogging the roads on a Sunday is one thing. Driving buses like it’s NASCAR is another!!
Finally Ramapo PD caught up to one of them!



Classic Monsey Schoolbus with no regard for others on the road. Narrowly avoids slamming into another car while ignoring yield sign. Please report any erratic and poor driving by schoolbus drivers!


April 2018:

School bus cuts off two lanes of traffic and narrowly avoid cars coming in both directions! Completely ignores stop sign while doing so! Corner Lyncrest and Crabapple.

March 2018:

November 2017:


February 2016:







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