


“See you later.”

How often do we hear/use this phrase?

We don’t even realize it, but this is a huge assumption. By saying this, one assumes that both, yourself and the other person, will be around later. This is bold reasoning when one considers the wide array of things that can occur and end either or both lives abruptly. We also use this line of thinking when we do something that we know is not good for our physical or spiritual self that we assume that we will fix at a later time. It is important to realize that no one leaves this world having completed their “to do list”. This does not mean that we should give up and stop trying! Quite the opposite. We should try our best all the time and prioritize what is important to us. Have parents? Make sure to spend time with them and tell them how you feel. Even if ‘they already know.’ The same goes with your friends, try to make time for them even if it’s for a few minutes.

Treasure the people in your life whom you care about and who care about you because in this life, nothing is for certain and very often we forget about that until it’s too late. So, love your family and friends, say it and show it. If you care about something show it, if you want to make a difference, do something. So many people don’t do anything and wait for tomorrow, not realizing that tomorrow is not guaranteed. One of the biggest issues we have especially in today’s society is how fast paced everything is. Everyone is busy all the time and we push things off thinking we will get around to it ‘later.’

Avoid this pitfall and  make everyday count, live life to the fullest. Talk to your family and friends, let them know you care for and appreciate them.

Be grateful for each day, because every day is a gift. 


In Memory of Elias Friedman


Author: 008





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