There Is NO REASON Any Jew Has Not Read This!



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The message clearly drawn out in this short read is something that has never been more true than it is today!


After the recent and horrific events this has never been more important!

Everyone should be heading down to the country clerk and applying for (CCW) concealed carry permits. No reason for not exercising the second amendment right. Everyone should do the necessary research and commit to the required and proper training for owning and operating a firearm. We can do something that our ancestors before us were unable to do in the countries before this one. We can defend ourselves, we can use deterrents that were unavailable to our predecessors. Be responsible. Get a conceal carry permit. Pick up a home-defense shotgun. Read the necessary literature. Take courses at the local range. There is no excuse not to.
Exercise your right as an American and your duty as a Jew!

It is far beyond worth the 5 dollars it costs to purchase! The ideology and message expressed within should be promulgated to every Jewish household!

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